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Sprites A, B, and C are in a group. Sprite D does not belong the group.

The sprite nearest to B is A and that nearest to C is also A. The sprite nearest to A does not exist. Group A-B-C is nearest to D. The frame of the group is not displayed; however, it can be imagined to be at the start of the blue guided arrow.

Advanced Rules

Layout with Overlap

The distance between sprites layouted with overlaps is not kept constant by the adjuster. In this case, the guided blue arrow is not displayed between the sprites.

Sprites with overlaps should be grouped; otherwise, they are sometimes separated by the adjuster.
Grouped Sprites 

The sprite nearest to that in a group is searched from the sprites in the same group.

A sprite group is regarded as a single sprite when searching for the sprite nearest to the one that does not belong to the group. The rectangle that encloses all the sprites in the group is used to calculate the distance between sprites.

The sprite nearest to Sprite B is Sprite A.
Basic Rules

The distance between two sprites is kept constant by the auto adjuster. This distance is the length between a sprite and its nearest sprite. It is calculated and saved everytime a sprite is edited or moved.
A blue guided arrow appears when a sprite is selected in the EditMode. The starting point of the arrow indicates the nearest sprite.

The method of calculating the distance differs with the sprite position and home position.

The target sprite exists under the home position

The sprite nearest to the target sprite is searched from the sprites that are placed over the target sprite. The distance is calculated between the top of the target sprite and the bottom of its nearest sprite. 
The target sprite exists over the home position

The sprite nearest to the target sprite is searched from the sprites that are placed under the target sprite. The distance is calculated between the bottom of the target sprite and the top of its nearest sprite.


Confirmation of layout on other browsers and other page font sizes is recommended.

Layout Rules of Auto Adjuster

Let us discuss how the auto adjuster lays out the sprites.

The web layout is generally differs by the font size or other settings. This also applies to PositLog. The sprites sometimes accidentally overlap each other if the page font size or browser is different from that during their creation.

PositLog has an auto adjuster to avoid this problem. The auto adjuster adjusts the arrangement of sprites according to the page font size. The state where the auto adjuster is available is called “Publish Mode.”

Publish Mode requires browsers with JavaScript.

How to Configure Publish Mode

Publish Mode is not available by default. Check its availability on Page Property Manager.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Publish Mode OFF: You can casually create content; however, some sprites accidentally overlap if the page font size or browser is different from that during their creation.

Publish Mode ON: Overlaps are reduced by auto adjuster; however, more considerations are needed when you arrange sprites. The page must not be simultaneously edited by multiple users.

Publish Mode