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4. Server

(1) User's password on the server is encrypted by crypt(). 
(2) Uploaded files can be accessed without authentication by directly indicating their URLs. This problem can be avoided by using fileuploader.cgi. mod_rewrite is required for this purpose.

1. Set HTTP inaccessible path to $datapath in
2. Set rewrite rules to .htaccess as follows : 
 (change the pass of fileloader.cgi according to the server environment)

RewriteRule ^(.*)([0-9]{6}[a-zA-Z]{2})(/Image/.+)$ /fileloader.cgi?page=$2&path=$3 [L]
RewriteRule ^(.*)([0-9]{6}[a-zA-Z]{2})(/File/.+)$ /fileloader.cgi?page=$2&path=$3 [L]

3. Set fileloader.cgi in the same directory of positlog.cgi
4. Set 1 to $filesecure in

Note that file access through fileuploader.cgi is slower than that by direct access.

3. Cookie

PositLog saves Cookie as follows:

One month Cookies
 - prof_XXXXXXXXXXXXX: User profile including default sprite color and display settings of author, link, date, and tag.
- colorprof_XXXXXXXXXXXXX: Color palette information
- public_author: Author name of Public User
- public_password: Password of Public User

One month Cookies (if user allows)
- savedloginid: User ID 
- savedloginpass: Password of Logged-in User

Temporary (deleted when the browsed is closed)
- loginid: User ID 
- loginpass: Password of Logged-in User
- viewposition: View position of the page

Temporary (saved after copying sprites, deleted after pasting them or closing the browser)
- clip: Content of copied sprites

2. Network Communication
  • The communication between a server and a browser is HTTP-based; and not HTTPS-based.
  • User Authentication send a User ID and password through Cookie. The password is not encrypted. This will be fixed not later than version 0.65.
1. Introduction

Currently, PositLog has some security issues. Do not reveal top-secret information on PositLog. This page describes the current security status for judging where and to what level the security issues are.
