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The user who does not login to PositLog (called “Public User”) can set  a password to a sprite to protect it from other users.

Input a temporary password in the field on the top-right corner of the page before saving a sprite. The password is set after saving it. The pass-locked sprite can be edited only if the correct password is inputted in the field.

Click on the “Unlock” button on the control panel to unlock the password before changing it. This operation succeeds only if the correct password is inputted in the field.

After unlocking the old password, input a new password into the field and save the sprite to set it.
The password can be changed on the top page of the administration tools. The page is indicated by the link titled “Administration” on the bottom-right of the Login page.
Delete key.dat under admindata directory, upload createadmin.cgi  and execute it to change the password of Administrator.
For Administrator
For the user who logins to PositLog (“Logged-in User”)
For the user who does not login to PositLog (“Public User”)

Change Password