Q8. Who is the developer of PositLog?

A8. PositLog has been developed by Hidekazu Kubota (hidekazu.kubota@gmail.com). We welcome your contribution toward its further development. We also appreciate any feedback. Please email us at hidekazu.kubota@gmail.com
Q7. What is the licence of PositLog?

A7. PositLog is distributed under GPL 2.0.
Q6. Why is PositLog server written in Perl?

A6. This is a delicate question. There are many reasons. I can say that one of them is to lower the installation cost. I hope you can start using PositLog soon and extend it by developing Plug-ins. I love the Zen of Perl, so PositLog is also designed to make the easy jobs easy, without making the hard jobs impossible.
Q5. What are the system requirements of PositLog?

A5. The PositLog page is compatible with almost every browser. The functions have been tested on  Internet Explorer 6 and higher, Firefox 2, Opera 9.2, Safari 2 and 3 for Mac (Dec 2007). It can be browsed on other browsers; however it may not be possible to edit the page on some browsers.

The server requirements are minimal and need only Perl 5.8 or a later version.

Q4. How is it different from other tools?

A4. Indeed, there are many other tools that enable people to create Websites on the browser. However, they compel the user to use stereotyped layouts such as two- or three-column layouts. PositLog provides you with the capability to arrange Web parts anywhere you like on a page.

In addition, PositLog uses only general HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is compatible with several existing Web contents.

Q3. Why do we need PositLog?

A3. PositLog helps a user draw anything anywhere on the Web.
Q2. What is the origin of the name PositLog?

A1. It means the log of position. “Posit” also has some other nuances.
Q1. How is PositLog pronounced?

A1. It is pronounced “pozi-log”, i.e., “t” is silent.
Frequently Asked Questions